The Python programming language is used in such an enormous variety of programming projects, that many college computer science programs start with the basics of Python. So think of the possibilities if you became an advanced Python coder? In this course, you will learn how to become a well-rounded Python developer. Designed to cover all the fields of Python, you’ll be able to develop virtually any kind of application by the end of the course.
- Access 377 lectures & 31 hours of content 24/7
- Learn to build smart calculators & dictionaries using Python
- Execute data analysis using Numpy & Pandas
- Build an automatic plotter for data visualization
- Build a big data analysis project w/ more than 60 million data points using Python
Note: Software not included
Dev Nirwal is a programmer in the field of AI and machine learning and also an engineer in electronics and communication. He has analyzed a lot of course and students and feel that to teach and learn perfectly there must be content with practical knowledge so that a student can apply what he/she learns. He’s developing courses with many practical projects so that on each step you can apply your skills and get the best out of everything.